Become a beta tester
Thank you for your interest in becoming a beta tester for DazzBling. By joining our Beta Program you’ll have exclusive, early access to new products and special promotions. This is a great opportunity to help us create the best products for our customers.
Beta Testers will be given free or heavily discounted products in exchange for a thorough review and opinion of the product. You’ll get the chance to test out new products before they become widely public.
Simply fill out the Become a Beta Tester Form and we will be in contact shortly! It’s that simple.
Keep in mind that you may not be selected right away for the program. We only have so many products available for testing. However we do try to enroll as many participants as possible.
If you did not get a chance to test and you are on the list, you will be next in line for any future product releases.
If you are selected we will reach out to you by email to confirm you are still interested and provide more details on the next steps regarding testing and reviewing the product.